The girl who sweeps the grave-5

When she was packing up in the ward on the day she was discharged from the hospital, the girl happily told her parents that she was going to write a letter to the Nigerian chess player to ask him to come back.
/November 2021

The girl who sweeps the grave-4

The boy still spoke very little as usual, but he would secretly take out some stationery in the dead of night when she was asleep, not knowing what he was writing.
/November 2021

The girl who sweeps the grave-3

Later, the girl's boyfriend came less and less, and every time she asked him why he always said he was busy at work.
/November 2021

The girl who sweeps the grave-2

It was more than two years ago, the girl was tested for leukemia, but not late, as long as actively cooperates with the doctor's treatment and recovery hope is still very great.
/November 2021

The girl who sweeps the grave-1

After reading the letter, she would burn it silently in front of the grave, and then sit there quietly for a long time alone with her knees in her arms.
/November 2021

Perfume looking for love-1

When Miao Jane received the offer from the CC perfume company, she almost jumped for joy because Guo Wanan was also at the company.
/November 2021

Simple repair

In the eyes of outsiders, he and she are really poor. Things come from rural college students, the work of their doing a maximum. Get married when both parents, not BangCou much, two people gathered together, to pay a down payment of a bedroom, 20 years to pay off the rest of the points. A person's salary raises a person's wages for the family.
/November 2021

You and me in the flower season-3

A careless boy said after drinking that he would accompany me for the rest of his life, I took it seriously, just as simple as taking that "him" seriously at the beginning.
/November 2021

You and me in the flower season-2

Some of this kind of love can not be stopped, I am madly in love with him, although some unexpected, but so reasonable.
/November 2021

You and me in the flower season-1

My father was reported to be in prison, and my mother did not know where to go. From then on, there was no sunshine but haze in my 17-year-old sky.
/November 2021